Sacred Services

  • Healing Soul Sessions

    Healing Soul Sessions are offered as a sacred way to support you in bringing your emotional, mental, physical and energetic being into alignment and balance. In my private sacred space I create an environment where you can safely explore and express yourself. My work is completely individualized as I assess your energetic body and listen to your intentions and vision for your future. I weave my energy work with guidance from the Spiritual world to assist you in releasing, transmuting, transforming, creating and balancing your energy until an energetic shift has been made to a higher vibration and frequency. Some of my offerings include reiki, chakra clearing and balancing, crystal healing, smudging, sound vibration therapy, Shamanic journey work, essential oils, guided visualization and other energy healing modalities. A private session is a very powerful, yet gentle, healing experience. All sessions are intuitively guided and unique to each individual, dependent on the client’s needs. A Shamanic smudging and cleansing is offered directing the healing energies to your energetic body to clear blockages and energy patterns in the energy field to support the return to health and wholeness.Healing Soul Sessions are for those who are ready to explore themselves, their relationships and their highest potential. I see myself as a support and guide on the journey inward toward greater self-awareness. Some people have private sessions because they are confronted with physical issues, do not feel balanced and centered, others face emotional pain, trauma, stress or relationship challenges. Still others are looking to grow spiritually, to discover their unique soul’s purpose in life and to manifest their heart’s desires more fully.

    Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality that means “Universal Life Energy.” Reiki can enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself, foster mental and spiritual equilibrium, clear blocked energies, cleanse toxins from the body, and invoke a deep sense of relaxation, among other benefits. Laura certifies people in Reiki 1 thru Master/Teacher energy healing.

    Crystal Healing is the art of laying stones on and around the client’s body in coordination with the body’s energy field, energy centers and energy pathways. These are also known as the aura, charkas and meridians. Each crystal has a unique healing property derived from the minerals it is composed from. Crystals are capable of balancing, amplifying, focusing, directing, absorbing, diffusing and transmitting differing levels of energy. The crystals are selected based on the healing properties that will be most beneficial to the client’s energy. The energy delivered by the crystals blends and resonates within the energy centers of the body to promote self-healing. Crystal Healing is a non-invasive grounding technique that can bring the whole self into a state of relaxation.

    Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialized sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. My sacred instruments create rhythmic and harmonious sounds to promote relaxation, reduce stress, balance your chakras, clear negative energies, purify your sacred space and get you into a deep meditative state.
    Let the vibrations of these beautiful spiritual tools bring balance, flow and peace in to your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies! Instruments that are used in this session are:*Crystal Chakra Singing Bowls* Himalayan Mother Bowls*My Hand Created Ceremonial Drums*Shamanic Rattles*Ocean Wave Drum*Chakra Chimes*Buddhist Bells

  • Shamanic Healing

    Shamanism is described as humankind’s first spiritual practice. Traditionally, shamans use different techniques to cross into non-ordinary reality to gain wisdom and healing for yourself, a client or community. Some of the main premises of shamanism are that we are beings of spirit, that everything in existence has a spiritual essence, and that we are interconnected. If we care for our spirits and our relationships, we can help facilitate health and balance in our lives. When we work shamanically we are working in conjunction with the compassionate spirits who are available to help us. Shamanism provides a practical framework for understanding and working with energies of all kinds (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) in a compassionate and loving way. The shamanic path is gentle, Spirit filled and incredibly transformative. As a shamanic practitioner I connect to the spirit world to access information or healing on your behalf. It is in the spirit world that I may connect to your spirit guides, power animals or communicate with loved ones who have crossed over. With my guides I work with energy, Source and intention to bring healing to you. I may use crystals, my drum or rattle, Reiki, chakra balancing and many other techniques as part of the process. Classic shamanic healing techniques, such as a soul retrieval and a past life regression, help address past trauma and the loss of personal power. When you don’t feel like yourself after challenging events or are suffering from depression or illness it’s possible that you need help to reestablish balance and regain that part of yourself that was treated. If you would like to learn how to do a shamanic journey yourself, Laura will teach you how to go into a shamanic state of consciousness and guide you in making contact with the spiritual world and your personal spirit guides. Laura also does extraction to help clear intrusive energies that can interfere with healthy functioning on many levels. As we move through the world, especially for people who are empaths and very sensitive, it’s easy for our bodies to become burdened with energy that isn’t our own. Extractions can release this energy and work to help restore your personal boundaries. Laura can also teach you how to energetically shield yourself to assist you in protecting yourself from negative energy.

    Past life regression therapy is a holistic therapy that works with the emotions, mind, body and spirit. It is based on the principles of cause and effect (karma) and the theory that your reactions and the way you respond to problems are based in the past. I guide you back to a time before birth in this lifetime to discover the root causes of problems you may be experiencing in the present. This may include relationship issues, chronic illnesses, phobias, addictions, sexual dysfunction, inexplicable attraction or aversion to someone, recurring nightmares, fear of death, etc. We are then able to examine the experiences that seemed to have formed the roots of your current fears and phobias and bring healing to those energies. Many times if you can connect your current fears to a past life, those fears will often disappear and healing will take place.

    Energetic Cord Cutting is a process where we identify negative cords and gently release them from your energetic body thus releasing the blockages and toxic energy. We, as humans, have a tendency to get attached to things. Some of these energetic attachments are positive and nurturing and allow us to feel connected to loved ones, others aren’t so healthy and may even be toxic. A cord cutting may be helpful after a traumatic encounter, a breakup, an illness, a memory or even with family members that trigger negative feelings. We do not cut any positive cords and feelings associated with the person or event and we can create new healthy cords with people and energies.

  • Intuitive Readings

    Intuitive Crystal Readings are a self-discovery tool that provides a better understanding of oneself, life lessons, and a discovery of the current opportunities available to shift, heal, and grow. We will tap into the energy and wisdom of the crystals to bring clarity and insight into the questions and issues that are present in your life. Answers and information will be channeled through me using Intuitive Clairvoyance-clear seeing, Clairaudience-clear hearing, Claircognizance-clear knowing, Clairsentience-clear feeling, Clairempthy-clear emotions. You can receive messages about any area of your life: relationships, your life path and dharma, family, children, health, work, anything! If you have a strong calling toward the mineral kingdom and enjoy working with crystals, this is a precious experience!
    I do crystal readings in my private office and in group settings.

    Invite the messages from the Oracle/Tarot/Medicine cards to give you divine wisdom, guidance, direction and answers to the questions you have about your life. The cards are meant to provide insight into the innermost truths of your higher self. A card spread tells a powerful story about your past, present and future and sometimes your past lives. An oracle card reading provides a symbolic map of consciousness that encompasses our journey through life, both spiritually and practically. Only messages in the energy of light and love come forth.

    An Akashic Record Reading is one of the highest vibrational experiences filled with only love and light! Your Akashic Record is the energetic “log” of your soul’s journey from the time your soul originated from source. Your “stops” along the journey—your lifetimes—provide endless opportunities to learn and “perfect” your soul as you evolve beyond your daily challenges. Whether you are a young or ancient soul, the Akashic Record holds the energetic imprint of your thoughts, feelings, memories, actions and deeds experienced in each lifetime. This reading connects you to your soul’s path and your dharma, your highest purpose in this world!

    Distance healing is any form of healing energy “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present with me to receive the healing. It may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon between you and myself. This type of healing is equally effective as an in-person healing because in alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing the individual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere at any time and does not require you to be physically present with me.

  • Circles

    Sacred Women’s Circles
    I continue to be amazed at the power of women when they come together to support, inspire and honor one another. Imagine sitting in a sacred circle and being able to share your truth knowing that no one is judging you. Sharing parts of your life with people who are actively listening to you, honoring you, and knowing these people are not here to “fix” your problems, but instead to give you support and witness your growth during your individual journey. I currently facilitate many different circles each month and while each one is unique because of the individual women and the energy that group has created, they all hold the common intentions of being present, listening intentionally, speaking their truth, trusting in one another, and supporting each other. These are the sacred guidelines of all circles and each woman is now practiced in holding these touchstones, which is what creates the magic of a sacred circle. Meeting weekly or monthly a group of women come together in my sacred space. During each circle I teach a new sacred tool or technique to increase your spiritual toolbox such as; guided visualization, meditation, Shamanic journeying, crystal healing, smudging, sacred ceremony, journaling, art expression and introspective work. It is a very special sisterhood and I am honored to be part of all my sister’s journeys.

    Crystal Kid’s Club
    As an early childhood educator, I have a very well thought out program for your children focusing on building a spiritual community for your children AND for you, parents of light worker children. As the founder and teacher of the CKC, I lead fun activities and games teaching the children about energy, chakras, yoga, meditation, stillness, sound healing and of course CRYSTALS! Included is story time, art and a healthy snack. The kid’s always love playing with my singing bowls and drums!! We also have open discussion about topics like: seeing auras, angels, how to energetically deal with our feelings, how to sooth yourself by using energy work, and the importance of connecting to nature. This class’s intention is for me to get to know your children and what gifts they possess on an energetic level. I also want to create a community where YOU and your children feel safe to talk about what your children are experiencing energetically. I was a child who communicated with power animals, saw auras, talked to spirit guides and angels and I didn’t have any direction or contact with someone like myself until I was 15 years old. It was at that time that I met my first teacher, a Colombian Medicine Woman, who took the time to nurture me and my interests. I will forever be grateful to her for helping me on my path. I want to be that person for your children, a spiritual adviser, teacher and fun friend!

  • Teaching

    Go deeper: learn, explore, share
    Meditation, Shamanic Journeying, Crystal Healing, Chakra System, Smudging, Creating Sacred Space
    I invite you into my sacred space to come together as community to learn, share, explore and open yourself up to grow deeper connections to your spiritual and divine self. I teach self-help workshops and classes that help you to reconnect with your inner wisdom and your body’s own natural healing abilities. My classes core premise is about the unification of mind, body, and spirit. I create a welcoming environment that allows for that process in each one of my students.
    My classes range from learning how to meditate, the importance of having a daily spiritual practice and learning how to build your own personal spiritual practice, understanding the chakra system and how to balance your chakras, learning how to do a shamanic journey, how crystals can heal, learning how to sense energy and how to transform negative energy into positive energy. I also teach classes on how to create sacred space, intentional altar building and the many beautiful ways to smudge and energetically clear your space.
    Discovering our dharma–life purpose–is one of the most important steps we can take along our spiritual path. As a teacher, it is my mission to help each of my students uncover their individual life’s purpose.

  • Sacred Ceremonies

    “When Humans participate in Ceremony, they enter a Sacred space. Everything outside of that space shrivels in importance. Time takes on a different dimension. Emotions flow more freely. The bodies of the participants become filled with the energy of life and this life reaches out and blesses the creation around them. All is made new; Everything becomes Sacred.” Sun Bear
    Ceremony is most meaningful when it connects us with ourselves, with others and with our higher power. Whether celebrational, transitional, or healing, ceremony presents the opportunity for us to honor and reveal the sacredness in our life. As humans we innately seek connection with others and with Spirit. The rites and rituals we participate in resonate on social, spiritual, and psychological levels. It is my honor to assist people in a celebration to honor the ordinary and the extraordinary while affirming and honoring the events, loved ones and stages that are meaningful in our life’s journey. I welcome the opportunity to work with you to create your customized ceremony and celebrate your life’s journey.

    Home and Work Clearing and Blessings is the act of using various energetic and spiritual tools to work with, raise, clear or release energy from a physical place to create an environment that is refreshed and positive. Energy can be felt. Cleansing and blessing a physical space can bring alignment with the intention you have for it, will make it feel more balanced and comfortable and improve the energetic balance in your space. It is especially useful if you are buying or selling a home, moving into a new work space, experienced an illness or a loss or have relationship challenges in your current space.

    A Girl’s Night Out is a fun and unique way to connect with your friends. Let me create a relaxing meditation with crystals and sound healing or do individual crystal readings. I also have created sisterhood and friendship ceremonies, rites of passage ceremonies, PTO events and “let’s get together and just have fun” events! Whatever your need, I will customize a special evening just for you!

  • Healing Soul Sessions are 90 minutes

    A healing soul session weaves together many energetic modalities and may include:

    • Intuitive Reading
    • Oracle Card Reading
    • Smudging
    • Heated Crystal BioMat
    • Crystal Chakra Lights
    • Personalized Healing Crystal Grid on Chakras
    • Pendulum Reading
    • Reiki Session to Bring the Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Energetic Bodies Into Balance
    • Deep Energy Healing may include Chakra Clearing & Balancing, Teaching Spiritual Tools for Personalized Spiritual Practice, Meditation, Guided Visualization, Shamanic Journey, Energetic Cord Removal, Spirit Guide Retrieval, Soul Part Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Inner Child Healing & Akashic Record Reading
    • Sound Healing may include Crystal Chakra, Sound Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Ceremonial Drums, Ocean Drum, Chimes & Rattles
    • Aromatherapy Abundance Blessing

    Connect with Laura to determine which session is best for healing.

    Contact Laura to schedule via email or phone (224)805-1390